The Foundation for Education Development (FED) was established as a neutral space for stakeholders to help shape the future of education.
A virtual collaboration platform for discussion, debate and solution so that long-term local, regional, national and global challenges can be resolved.
We launched FEDSpace in 2020. We are pleased to invite you to take part in our ongoing series of virtual roundtables.
Note: You’ll need to signup for a FedSpace account in order to register for an event, if you have any questions please get in touch:
Here you will find a list of upcoming and future virtual conferences which will be updated regularly.
Come back often to register or to find out more.
The University of Greater Manchester
They have provided important feedback for our ongoing workstreams and the work they are doing to build the second FED National Education Consultation report to be published in Summer 2022.
We will be informing you of our next series of Fedspace Round Tables for January – June 2022 in due course.
Here you’ll find a list of our past virtual conferences
Liverpool Johns Moores University
Or login into your account
… and book onto one of our events:
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