The Fed National Education Summit. Looking back – Moving Forward
An international cast of educators, business leaders and politicians will look at Education through a long-term lens over a series of events in a four-day summit programme.Monday 1st March: Building forward together – How can we move beyond our immediate challenges to create a long-term successful future for our children and life-long learners?Tuesday 2nd March: Building place-based education for long-term renewal – How can long-term place-based strategies strengthen our communities?Wednesday 3rd March: Building a shared culture in our education system – How do we ensure equity and trust become a catalyst for long-term success?
Thursday 4th March: Building long term success into our education system – How can we ensure education becomes the catalyst for social and economic renewal?Click here for some key contributors to the Summit.Download the full summit programme hereTo enable the FED to organise and run this major Summit over 4 days with the wide range of influential speakers and contributors involved, we have invested in a market leading events platform. In order to contribute to costs incurred we are instituting a small booking fee for the event. The fee will cover attendance at all the sessions over the whole 4 days. A full programme of daily sessions with times will be available nearer the date.Note: If you are a teacher, it may be that attendance at this event could contribute to your CPD. It could be worth discussing with your headteacher!